Coomber Rich continues to successfully represent a diverse range of clients in extradition cases and has been involved in several high profile cases. We represent clients in complex politically motivated cases, accused of very serious offences such as murder, large scale international human trafficking, international money laundering, robberies, large scale drug trafficking.
We take pride in fighting against human rights breaches and we use internationally renowned experts in putting forward our clients’ cases. Coomber Rich has close connections with lawyers in Eastern Europe and other nations.
If you are arrested under an Extradition Warrant, you will be brought before Westminster Magistrates Court as soon as practicable. We advise that you contact us immediately to obtain legal advice. Our expert lawyers will represent you and advise on your options and the bars you can raise against extradition.
1. First appearance
You will be asked whether you consent or not to extradition. If you consent, the decision is irrevocable. If your decision is not to consent, you will need to raise bars against extradition. The most common bars raised are: right to family life, passage of time, speciality, inhuman and degrading treatments (prison conditions), politically motivated prosecution, double jeopardy, forum (if the extradition would not be in the interests of justice).
Your case will be adjourned to a later date for a full extradition hearing and you will be remanded in custody or on bail.
2. Can I apply for bail in extradition proceedings?
If you are wanted to face an accusation, there is a presumption in favour of bail. If there is a conviction Warrant (ie you have been convicted of the offences in the Warrant), there is no presumption in favour of bail. The Court will consider whether you present a risk of failure to surrender, the nature and seriousness of the offence and community ties. If bail is granted, usually the Court may consider imposing stringent conditions such as: curfew (electronically monitored), security/surety, surrender of travel documents, not to be in possession or applying for any travel documents, not to be near travel ports/airports/international train stations and reporting to your local police station.
3. If bail is refused, can I apply again or can I appeal?
You can make 2 bail applications in the Magistrates’ Court unless there is a change in circumstances in which case you can apply again. If bail is refused in the Magistrates’ Court, you can apply to the High Court.
4. Extradition Hearing
At the full extradition hearing, after the information is presented by the Judicial Authority, your case will be presented by your lawyers. You may be called to give evidence. You can also call witnesses and expert evidence. At the end of the hearing, your lawyers will make submissions on your behalf.
5. Can I appeal the decision to extradite?
The decision to extradite can be appealed to the High Court. We strongly advise you to contact a lawyer as soon as the judgment is handed down at Westminster Magistrates’ Court. You have to keep in mind that the notice must be given before the end of the permitted period, which is within 7 days starting with the day on which the order is made. So, for example, if your extradition is ordered on 1st July, the last day you can lodge your appeal is 7th July.